Frequently Asked Questions

I have send out a demo, but some labels didn't even listen?
The larger the label, the more demo submissions they receive and longer queues they have. We know that some labels receive hundreds of demos each day, which cause long delays in previewing. Sometimes it takes more than a month for them to check your demo.

When you're sharing a track we will show you for each label the average time it takes them to listen to your tracks and the chance that they will give you feedback, based on historical data which is always up to date.

However, it still happens, that some labels never listen, simply because they are (temporarily) not scouting for new artists. In some cases there is a technical problem.

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When I want to send a demo, I don't see all my favourite labels, what happened?
To avoid mismatches, only shows the labels that have matching genres with the track you uploaded. So make sure that you always set the correct genres for your tracks.

If you're sure that's not the problem, check the filter settings on the right on the sharing page, maybe you enabled a filter.

If you can't fix the problem, please start s support chat with us.


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Find the best labels
How to search and select the best labels for you as a producer
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Improve your tracks
Check in-depth analyses of your shared demo tracks
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Improve your tracks


Get the deal
How to increase your chances on closing a deal
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